Short Reviews: June 2012

Short ReviewsFeed (Book 1 of the Newsflesh Trilogy) by Mira Grant

In the year 2039, twenty-five years after a virus caused humans and animals to become flesh-craving zombies, a team of bloggers is recruited to cover the campaign of a U.S. Presidential candidate. They are soon drawn into a tense situation in which virus outbreaks seem to dog the campaign, and what they learn could cost them more than their lives.

This first book in the Feed trilogy offers solid suspense and action against a well-extrapolated science fiction backdrop. One of the most refreshing things about it is that it doesn’t see zombie hordes as a sign of the end of all things–life goes on, even though it’s a life transformed in ways large and small by the possibility of becoming a zombie at any time (not just following death). Suspenseful, thrilling, compelling, and ultimately moving, it’s well worth checking out, even if zombies aren’t ordinarly ‘your thing.’

Corrupts, Absolutely? edited by Lincoln Crisler

Corrupts Absolutely? is a collection of 21 short tales on the very dark side of having metahuman abilities, with stories ranging from a wounded man who brings his explosive rage to bear on those he blames for the deaths of his wife and daughter-to-be (“Retribution” by Tim Marquitz) to a world where metahumans live under more restrictions than sex offenders and being a hero is a crime (“Pride” by Wayne Ligon) to a woman whose concerns over the ultimate use of the robo-suit she lead development of are trumped by pragmatic realities (“Fixed” by Trisha J. Wooldridge). The metahuman abilities and settings vary widely, as do the contributing authors’ styles, making for an entertaining selection of tales.

As is often the case, a story collection has its high and low points. Not all of the tales here worked for me, but my enjoyment level overall was high. In addition to the previously mentioned stories, my favorites included “Ozymandias Revisited” by A.S. Fox (where having godlike powers leads to having godlike problems), and “Illusion” by Karina Fabian (exploring the toll taken by telepathic abilities on a young telepath). Its a compelling collection of dark fiction where the ‘heroes’ are often not at all heroic, and well worth checking out.

Sings with Stars by Bethany Grenier

Gigi Storme’s life has turned upside down in the blink of an eye. On society’s margins in our world, she discovers that she has come from another–a world of clockwork and magic–one in which she is destined to play a central role, whether she’s ready to or not. Her survival, and the survival of those around her, depends on not only learning her new abilities, but upon learning how to love, and even forgive.

The steampunk elements in this YA novel seem to me to be mainly in the fashion and visible technology of the otherdimensional world Gigi came from. The overall story is one that will not be unfamiliar to fantasy readers–a young woman discovers her destiny and magical powers and must contend against an implacable foe, while dealing with uncertainty and betrayal on all sides. Bethany Grenier does a good job of bringing this plot to life, and investing the characters with depth and complexity, and ends up delivering a world that readers can easily and happily lose themselves in for a while.

Apartment 14F: An Oriental Ghost Story by Christian Saunders

Jerry, newly arrived in China as an English teacher, settles in to his lonely new apartment, unaware that he will soon be drawn into the mystery of what happened to the apartment’s previous tenant. What he learns frightens him, but even this knowledge may not be enough to drive him away… or to save him.

This story manages to do a lot within its very brief span. It creates an atmosphere of lingering dread, not only of the ghost itself, but of its loneliness and need. It’s an effective and slightly surreal tale of alienation and terror, easily read in a single sitting.


Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light. His blog originates here. Photo: silver-john/

Something You Should Know (a Brutal Light short story) now free for Kindle!

Something You Should KnowOk, I finally got around to making Something You Should Know (a Brutal Light short story) available for free on for Kindle users. Not sure why it took me so long, except that I’ve been busy and it’s my first time going through Kindle self-publishing and there are all kinds of shiny things on the Internet. You know how it is.

(Quick recap: Something You Should Know is a short story set a few months before the events of my dark fantasy novel Brutal Light. While not a direct prequel, it does foreshadow events in that book.)


Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light. His blog originates here.

Serious Prometheus is Serious

So, I saw Prometheus last weekend, and amidst the mini-dramas of that weekend, and assorted things happening this week, have been stewing on it and what I thought about it. In the meantime, I’ve been reading assorted other opinions, which seem divided between two camps: either whoa hoa, that is one metric buttload of What-Is-This-I-Don’t-Even or oh hai guize this movie was deeeeeep. Sadly, I’ve come to agree more with the former than the latter, which is not what I went into the theater expecting or hoping to do.

As far as action and spectacle are concerned, it was entertaining enough. It checked off most of the Alien prequel plot points in satisfying ways (save for one glaring bit, the name of the planet itself). And Michael Fassbender’s David seemed to be living in another, much more fascinating movie. But… but…

There are enough bits in the story that either contradict one another or just float off on their own that it made me wonder whether the script supervisor did any actual supervising. There’s the geologist who makes a very heated point about getting the hell away from the scary dead giant things, but then is seen loitering about later doing scientific things as if nothing had happened. There’s the escape-and-self-surgery scene involving Noomi Rapace’s character, very thrillingly told, save that it’s like a set piece that affects very little of what happens afterward, except at the very end. Basically, things that the characters do and say for no other reason than the movie needs them to do and say these things to get on to the next plot point, regardless of whether they seem even remotely plausible or in-character.

So, okay, not great, but hardly worse than a lot of movies out there, right? Well, yeah. But then you get to the deep philosophical stuff. Or, should I type, the Deep Philosophical Stuff… because that’s what the makers seem to think they have on their hands, and take every opportunity of making sure we in the audience know it. Big Questions on the origins of life, the meaning of existence, the quest for truth, and all that, all delivered with ham-fisted obviousness and larded with juicy, juicy smug. (Yeah, yeah, like I’m the one to criticize that…)

I could forgive even that, though, if they didn’t also sidestep or postpone having to come up with answers. This is basically a movie that desperately wants to score points for invoking big debates on science vs. religion, fate vs. destiny, etc., without actually having the debates, nevermind choosing sides. Without that, all the Deep Posing that goes on in the movie never stops feeling like Posing.

Say what you want about the Alien vs. Predator movies… at least they were dumb action movies that knew they were just dumb action movies and never pretended to be anything else. I knew going into those to set the bar low, and could enjoy them for what they were. With Prometheus, I expected more, and was rewarded with a dumb action movie that thinks it’s smart and knows it’s Important. If it backed up that attitude with substance to match, or at least a story structure that didn’t make me want to slap it, I’m sure I could have like it a lot more.

But, like I said, the action bits and the overall spectacle were good. And Michael Fassbender is really good. I can’t say I wasn’t entertained, even while I was being vexed. I watched a matinee, so I didn’t feel too ripped off. But… but… (le sigh).


Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light. His blog originates here.

My brainmeats are all wrung out, so…

It has been a long week for me, for reasons I can’t really talk about. I was going to see if I could kludge together some book reviews, but… maybe next week on that. So, let’s see… what can I talk about?

There’s writing, of course. The Morpheist is at 26.5k, and I’m thinking I can get it to the end (about 32k or so) within the next two weeks. As first drafts go, it’s rough enough you could use it to shave a moose, but it’s workable enough to go on with. Once it’s done, I’m gonna put it away for a little bit (but not too long) and work on something else, but I’m not sure what just yet.

I’ve been kicking about an idea to record me reading the first chapter of Brutal Light. Either just as an audio freebie or something to go up on YouTube. Of course, if it goes up on YouTube, I’m gonna have to come up with some visual bits to add to it, so it’s not just my comical-lookin’ mug up there reading for 7-10 minutes. I want to attract people to the book, not drive them away…

I haven’t seen too many movies on the big screen this year, for some reason. There’s been a lot I’ve wanted to see, but they just seem to whoosh by. Last ones I went to were… let’s see if I can remember… The Hunger Games and The Avengers (both of which were as good as I’d hoped, and even a bit better). More and more, I don’t end up seeing the movies until they end up on DVD. And it doesn’t really bother me. (In other news, you kids get off my lawn.) I think I should be able to get some friends together to go see Prometheus this weekend, though…

Theme from ‘Super Skrull’ by Ookla the Mok. I have the CD that this is on, but I only re-listened to it recently. Super Skrull is possibly one of the silliest characters ever created by Marvel; this song does him justice.

Author Tim Marquitz has the first chapter of his new dark epic fantasy novel, Embers of an Age, posted for your reading pleasure. Also, the book that Embers is a sequel to, Dawn of War is now free on Kindle!

If Earth is invaded by aliens and you were going to place a bet on the outcome, here’s why you’d be foolish to bet against them. In case that was something you were going to do.

Gladiator Ariel and other crazy designs from a nonexistent fighting game. My wife would demand we get this game, if it existed. I would cheerfully comply.

Chaos Theory: A Unified Theory of Muppet Types. I’d like to say I’m a Chaos Muppet, but in all honesty, I’m probably an Order Muppet. I will not comment on my eyebrow size.

Right… time to get on with Friday. Hope yours is a good one!


Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light. His blog originates here.

It Ain’t Broke, But I’m Gonna Fix It Anyways

This here entry over on LiveJournal got me to thinking about my various blogs, journals, and assorted chunks of social media, and how I use, or don’t use, them as I ought. I’ve come to some conclusions. To wit: I’m just too damn rigid about what goes where, and have things set up so I end up doing a lot of additional work every time I write something.

I’m just too damn rigid about what goes where. Now, when I started this, the idea was… hey, stop that snickering! I wasn’t talking about… hey!

Sigh. Right. What I meant was that, when I started this blog, I thought I had it all figured out. The stuff about writing, genre, conventions, and so on would go here. Non-writing stuff and whatnot would go to my Dreamwidth journal and my Livejournal. A place for everything and everything in its place.

Except… I worked at doing regular entries on this blog, but let things on LJ and DW go slack. I’d put up videos and funny pictures there, just so it wouldn’t look entirely like Uncle Gary’s Self-Promotogasm Hour over there, but never managed those substantive ‘non-writing’ entries. It always felt like Extra Work. So it never got done.

Now, conclusions part deux: (I) have things set up so I end up doing a lot of additional work every time I write something. I write a blog entry, then I go and post a link to it on Dreamwidth (which gets picked up by Livejournal). Then I go post a link to it on Tumblr, and then Twitter, and then Google+. (Facebook picks it up automagically through NetworkedBlogs.) So posting a single blog becomes an event. Even if it’s a frakking links post. Events always feel like Extra Work. I’m not into Extra Work.

So, two problems, but with one solution. I just write one blog, featuring both writerly and non-writerly stuff, and set things up so it automagically cross-posts to my Livejournal, my Dreamwidth journal, and my Tumblr (which I couldn’t do before, but can now that my site’s converted to WordPress). More varied and interesting (at least to me) things for me to write on, less work to spread it about, and more on my LJ, Dreamwidth, and Tumblr that looks like actual content instead of filler. People who are interested can read and comment wherever they want, not just on my main site. Starting, oh, right now.

Now if Google+ will get off its high horse and open up its API so I can automate that, I’ll be freakin’ golden.

You’d like me when I’m golden.

(I’m also testing out new catch-phrases. That one may need some work.)


Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light. His blog originates here.

Bryan Thomas Schmidt: The Story Behind Lord Xalivar

Good morning, everyone! Today I’m welcoming author Bryan Thomas Schmidt to this patch of virtual real estate, and a guest post by him highlighting the main antagonist of his spectacular new space opera novel, The Returning: Book 2 of the Saga of Davi Rhii. Take it away, Bryan!

Guest Post: Character BG Profile: The Story Behind Xalivar
by Bryan Thomas Schmidt

Randy Streu as XalivarName: Lord Xalivar Rhii
Profession: Deposed Dictator (High Lord Councilor Of The Borali Alliance)
Appearance: Like this (see photo at right) Oh wait! That’s my editor. But in my mind, Xalivar does look like this. Just saying.

Like his father and grandfather before him, Xalivar held the highest office in the Borali solar system, ruling all thirteen planets and all who lived on them, until his nephew helped the ancient enemy slaves, the Vertullians, fight for freedom. Now, Xalivar is in hiding and Davi a hero. To make matters worse, Davi is a slave name. The nephew’s given name was Xander Rhii, a curse on the family name. Xalivar’s sister Miri secretly adopted Xander when she was unable to have a child of her own. Wanting a heir, and filled with memories of his harsh upbringing by a father and grandfather he could never please, Xalivar determined to treat Davi like his own son–the way he thought a son should be treated: with the respect and love Xalivar himself never knew as a child.

But now Davi and Miri have betrayed him along with everyone else. Justice must prevail and Xalivar must be restored to power, whatever it takes. After all, traitors don’t deserve mercy, kindness or forgiveness. Xalivar had given Davi everything and Miri as well. They lived in luxury in the Palace, the richest in the land, royals. Their betrayal must not go unpunished.


The ReturningGods, Xalivar hated Xanthis! Such a worthless lump of floating rock! It did have its advantages though. Only slightly more populated than its neighbor Italis, it was ice cold at night but pleasant during daylight hours. And its rocky plains were filled with hundreds of places to hide–cavern after cavern–making Xanthis the perfect place to keep a low profile while he put his plan into place.

After the humiliation on Eleni 1, Xalivar hadn’t looked back. He’d stopped at the starport on Legallis and swapped from the Imperial shuttle to a private transport. The as-yet-uninformed Royal staff had met him there with the belongings and supplies he’d requested already loaded. He’d bid them adieu and headed off on his “Royal retreat.” He could only imagine the confusion they later experienced upon learning he wouldn’t be coming back. As stupid as Gungors. He wondered if they’d welcome him back if he just showed up at the Palace doors one day. He wished all the citizens treated him so warmly.

To be an outcast! Like some criminal in his own empire! His fists clenched at his sides as he pondered it. He would redeem his family’s honor and name. His power and position would be restored. They hadn’t seen the last of Xalivar!

As he made his way into the hollowed out chamber he now used as a conference room, the rest of his core allies sat waiting around an old wooden table they’d procured from the abandoned settlement nearby. Who knew how long the place had been abandoned. Xalivar was just pleased the settlers had left so many valuable resources behind. If they ever came back, they’d discover someone had raided them with flourish. Not much remained to come back to.

The others watched him as he made his way past toward the head of the chamber and the table itself. The walking space was lumpy rock, making passage challenging and causing him to slow his pace whenever his feet found questionable footing. He did his best to nonetheless look confident. This was no time to be seen as weak. Any one of these so-called “allies” would jump at the chance to usurp his role and leave him forgotten in their wake.

His majordomo, Manaen, waited for him beside the chair at the head of the table, smiling and handing Xalivar a datapad as he moved past. An Andorian from Idolis, Manaen’s yellow teeth stood out against his blue skin and red eyes. He stepped back as Xalivar accepted the datapad and slid into his seat, facing the others. The chair’s wooden arms sent a cold tingle up his arm. He deliberately kept the temperature in his chambers set at a level which made the others uncomfortable–first, because he liked keeping them on edge, and second, because whatever energy and air escaped was then less likely to draw attention from passing air or ground security patrols. An unexpected heat source in this barren region would draw attention Xalivar didn’t need. So far, he’d had no interactions with the local authorities and he much preferred it stay that way.

“You have word from Bordox?” he asked as he panned the table, meeting the others’ eyes each in turn.

Lord Obed nodded from a chair to his right. “The Academy leadership is baffled as to why anyone would murder one of their own. The mission’s expanding to Iraja and Legon now. It’ll be a matter of time before the press takes notice.”

Xalivar smiled. “They are all too easy to manipulate, as expected.”

“Perhaps not if they knew who was pulling their strings,” Obed replied with a somber expression and tone.

Xalivar fought to contain his annoyance. Obed was the former chief of the Lord’s Special Police under Xalivar, the most elite security forces of the Borali Alliance, yet he made no effort to conceal his identity in public, going about in his old Council robes as if he had not a care in the world. Everyone else had resigned themselves to new, less-noticeable wardrobes so as to maintain as much anonymity as possible. Obed refused. Xalivar had only allowed him to join the allies out of necessity and a desire to have a scapegoat for certain treacherous activities which might be required. He couldn’t wait to be done with him.

Swallowing the bile which had arisen in his throat, he kept his voice even. “When done well, they always believe they are the ones doing the manipulating, my dear Obed.”

Borali Military Crest“And no doubt they will again, my Lord,” Admiral Dek said, shifting in his chair opposite Obed. It was only the second time since they’d launched their plans that Dek had been able to meet with them. As the new head of Borali Alliance military forces, he couldn’t slip away easily without undue attention so he primarily communicated with them via coded transmissions. Despite his years of military experience, the Admiral became noticeably uncomfortable whenever tension flared between the two ex-Council members. Their history of rivalry was well known, and Xalivar had no doubt Obed’s current alliance with him was by necessity not loyalty. It’s why he’d asked General Lucius, his chief of security, to keep a special eye on Lord Obed. And also why he’d made sure Obed was in charge of the field operations. It would make it all too easy later on to let the right information slip out and watch Obed take full blame for a series of actions which would disrupt both the harmony and the integrity of the Borali Alliance. Xalivar, of course, would move in to restore order and save the day. He chuckled as he imagined it.

“Make sure the proper messages get left at each location,” Xalivar reminded his rival and enjoyed watching his reaction.

“He’s doing everything exactly as planned.” Obed stiffened, leaning back in his chair with a look of annoyance. Obed’s son was a known embarrassment, yet the father still bristled when anyone criticized him in public. Except, of course, Obed himself. Bordox was yet another reminder to Xalivar why he’d never wasted time having children.

Xalivar couldn’t resist needling him a bit more. “Good. We don’t want the same incompetence he evidenced the last time.”

“He more than redeemed himself on Eleni 1. It’s hardly his fault the Council chose to interfere.”

Xalivar forced a smile and nodded. “Are we making any inroads with the government on Italis?”

General Lucius sighed. “We are increasing the pressure, but so far they remain noncommittal toward our request.”

“They fail to see the advantages for them in the arrangement?”

“They remain determined to play a neutral role and avoid any commitments.” Lucius slid a datacard down the table toward Xalivar, who inserted it into his datapad and began scanning the report.

“The time has come to widen our circle. We can only proceed in strength.”

“Perhaps our strength is what they question.” Obed’s eyes cut into Xalivar like a sword.

“Your choice can be unmade at any time, Lord Obed. Should you desire another arrangement, you need only give the word.” Their eyes met in a cold, staring contest.

Finally, Obed looked away. “Of course not. I have chosen properly.”

Xalivar smiled, his eyes narrowing into a warning. “You have so far.”

“They will commence construction of the ships as planned at the end of the month,” Dek continued. “We have secured investors to cover the initial phase, but the rest remain resistant until they see results from our campaign.”

“Are they unconvinced of our sincerity?”

“They remain determined to move slowly.”

“The time for action is upon us.” Xalivar slammed his fist on the table for emphasis, watching Dek flinch, while the others remained undisturbed.

“Some would rather speak to you personally.”

“You explained why that isn’t possible?”

Lucius nodded. “They question whether you’re even alive, my Lord.”

Xalivar sighed. That meant part of his plan might be working a little too well. He’d been forced to reveal his involvement to entice the types of investors he would need, but at the same time refused to meet with them in person. If proof of his activities leaked out to the rest of the system, it would destroy the mystique surrounding his disappearance. He may have been mistaken in assuming the assurance of his known close associates, like Lucius and Lord Obed, would be enough to engage their sympathies. Some of these men hated uncertainty and the changes occurring in the Borali Alliance since Xalivar’s departure had increased their nervousness and left them on edge.

“Perhaps when the first prototypes are ready, a meeting will be necessary. For now, General, let them wonder if we’ve lost interest. If they don’t meet our needs, there are other options.” Xalivar never trusted anyone. He always had backup plans.

Lucius leaned back in his chair. “As you wish, my Lord.”

“But keep them under watch to be sure they don’t reveal anything in the meantime.”

“The sincerity of our desire to maintain anonymity did not escape their notice, my Lord.”

Yes, these men knew all about secrets; they were used to living out much of their lives in secrecy. It’s why he’d dared to trust them, yet still, Xalivar never trusted anyone much. Not even men he knew had sworn their lives to his service. “And what of Phase I of the recruitment, Admiral?” He turned back to Dek. “We must maintain our schedule regardless of the status of any equipment.”

“Indeed. The recruiters have found eager volunteers for the private militia, my Lord.”

Xalivar laughed. Farm boys and poor laborers were as easy to manipulate as the media. Some things never changed. He leaned back in his own chair now, glancing around the table again. It pleased him to see that none of his allies looked as relaxed as he felt. That was the way he’d always liked it and he rued the day it might cease to be the case. Things were coming together just the way he’d envisioned it. The investors’ hesitation was hardly a hiccup. Even they would become convinced in a matter of time.

He found he couldn’t sit still. Such was his excitement at the thoughts of success racing through his mind. Adrenaline pumped through him as he spun around and reached for the remote to the broadcast channels. It was time they entertained themselves with news reports on the success of their activities. Nothing motivated men like watching their plans unfold perfectly. For the first time in his life, Xalivar reveled in creating chaos. It was the polar opposite of his previous drive for order in all things. But he knew this was only a phase. Soon this diversion would pass and order would be restored with Xalivar in the Palace again, right where he belonged.

Throne Room - The Worker Prince


In Bryan’s second novel, The Returning, new challenges arise as Davi Rhii’s rival Bordox and his uncle, Xalivar, seek revenge for his actions in The Worker Prince, putting his life and those of his friends and family in constant danger. Meanwhile, politics as usual has the Borali Alliance split apart over questions of citizenship and freedom for the former slaves. Someone’s even killing them off. Davi’s involvement in the investigation turns his life upside down, including his relationship with his fiancée, Tela. The answers are not easy with his whole world at stake.


The Returning is available now for pre-order (in print and for the Nook) from, and should shortly be available (in print and for the Kindle) from


Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the author of the space opera novels The Worker Prince, a Barnes & Noble Book Clubs Year’s Best SF Releases of 2011 Honorable Mention, and The Returning, the collection The North Star Serial, Part 1, and has several short stories featured in anthologies and magazines. He edited the new anthology Space Battles: Full Throttle Space Tales #6 for Flying Pen Press, headlined by Mike Resnick. His children’s book 102 More Hilarious Dinosaur Jokes For Kids from Delabarre Publishing. As a freelance editor, he’s edited a novels and nonfiction. He’s also the host of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Chat every Wednesday at 9 pm EST on Twitter, where he interviews people like Mike Resnick, AC Crispin, Kevin J. Anderson and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. A frequent contributor to Adventures In SF Publishing, Grasping For The Wind and SFSignal, he can be found online as @BryanThomasS on Twitter or via his website. Bryan is an affiliate member of the SFWA.

Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light and several previously published and forthcoming short stories. He can be found via his website, his blog, on Facebook, on Twitter, and in many other far-flung places on the Internet.