I’m Over on Sean A. Lusher’s Blog Today…

I’m over on Sean A. Lusher‘s blog today, talking about seven books that made me weird(er). What books have messed with your head in these ways? Come share!

Also, while I’m here, I should mention Brutal Light is on Shelfari now… and so am I. You know, in case you feel like rating and reviewing.

Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light and several previously published and forthcoming short stories. He can be found via his website, his blog A Taste of Strange, as @gwox on Twitter, and in many other far-flung places on the Internet.

I’m Over on Su Halfwerk’s Blog Today…

I’m over on Su Halfwerk‘s blog today, talking about how I fight my internal censor, with the help of my internal editor. Come by and say hi!

Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light and several previously published and forthcoming short stories. He can be found via his website, his blog A Taste of Strange, as @gwox on Twitter, and in many other far-flung places on the Internet.

I’m Sally Franklin Christie’s “Writerly Wednesdays” Guest Today, plus I’m Up on GoodReads Now…

I’m over on Sally Franklin Christie’s‘s blog today, being interviewed about Brutal Light and other writerly topics. Stop in and make various noises!

Also, Brutal Light is up on GoodReads now, in case you feel moved to rate and/or review it. Which would make me very happy, thus rendering me a puppet to your every wish. At least, that’s how I think it works.

Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light and several previously published and forthcoming short stories. He can be found via his website, his blog A Taste of Strange, as @gwox on Twitter, and in many other far-flung places on the Internet.

I’m Over on Lincoln Crisler’s Blog Today, and I’ve Got Print Edition Buy Links, Too…

I’m over on Lincoln Crisler’s blog today, talking about the one bit of writing advice that I took most to heart since hearing it. (And no, it’s not “write high, edit low.”)

Also, while I’m here, I can now announce that print editions of Brutal Light are now available, from Amazon (U.S.), Amazon (Canada) and BarnesAndNoble.com. Note that if you want a print edition but don’t want to go through an online seller, you can go to any local bookstore that does special ordering and order it.

Kindle users in the U.K. can now get the Kindle version from Amazon (U.K.).

Finally, two other Amazon-related announcements: I now have an author page on Amazon.com, and I have a Kindlegraph account for those of you who want free mouse-drawn autographs from me over an image of the cover art.

Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light and several previously published and forthcoming short stories. He can be found via his website, his blog A Taste of Strange, as @gwox on Twitter, and in many other far-flung places on the Internet.

I’m Over on Lee Mather’s Journal Today…

I’m over on Lee Mather‘s journal today, being interviewed regarding Brutal Light and other writerly topics. I’m covering some ground here not covered anywhere else, so be sure to check it out!

Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light and several previously published and forthcoming short stories. He can be found via his website, his blog A Taste of Strange, as @gwox on Twitter, and in many other far-flung places on the Internet.

I’m Over on Tim Marquitz’s Blog Today…

I’m over on Tim Marquitz’s blog today, going on about Brutal Light and my Path to Dark Fantasy. Essentially it’s my longform answer to the question of what drew me to write dark fantasy fiction in the first place. Stop by and say hi!

Gary W. Olson is the author of the dark fantasy novel Brutal Light and several previously published and forthcoming short stories. He can be found via his website, his blog A Taste of Strange, as @gwox on Twitter, and in many other far-flung places on the Internet.